A short month gone. We made it out to a few of our favourite places and went off piste for some bedding supplies!
Every week, instead of purchasing a treat from the grocery store, I have decided to support a local business by trying out their food, drink, service or product they have to offer.
Here is a recap for the local businesses that I’ve got to support this past February:
Cozmos Souvlaki
When in doubt Greek food at Cozmos Souvlaki! https://www.cozmossouvlaki.com/

692 Coffee and Bar
Coffee in the morning, caesars at night! https://www.692coffeeandbar.com/

If Only Home
Upgraded the bed sheets for maximal zzz’s https://ifonlyhome.com/

Burgers and Shakes
No words needed – best burger joint in the city! https://www.burgerandshakes.ca/