Here we are another year later, still dealing with lockdowns and businesses forced to close because of it.
Every week, instead of purchasing a treat from the grocery store, I have decided to support a local business by trying out their food, drink, service or product they have to offer.
Here is a recap for the local businesses that I’ve got to support this past April:
Lollo Salads
A place where the salad is actually the meal! Espressos and cappuccinos are on point as well!

Pure Kitchen
My go to vegetarian spot.

Gorila Fitness
Gorila Fitness products for bridging the gap on these ongoing gym closures.

Burgers and Shakes – Manotick
Summer = burgers, fries and shakes outside @burgerandshakes_manotick

HFT – Healthy Food Technologies
Took a drive to the scenic mill town of Almonte to eat healthy donuts!