When I visited Montreal at the beginning of February, we ate brunch and took a snowy trek through the city to this climbing gym Allez Up. I’d only heard good things from my friend Phil about this gym that he’d been doing odd jobs and climbing at. I was excited to see this state of the art gym that was built off of two silos that had been used to store sugar in a of point of their lifetime.
After paying, sorting out shoes and changing you walk into the colourful main room. We spent most of our time bouldering upstairs and spent a bit of time on the more technical bouldering walls on the main level. It was nice to climb on their walls as they were nicely labelled and offered easier to more challenging routes. I took a break and did some chin ups and used a bit of the workout gear they had there. We then moved to the rock climbing walls and got harnessed up! I did one the courses (video) twice and a tougher course once. By the end of the tougher course, my arms were jelly and it was time to leave.
I’m already planning my next trip to Allez Up as I’d like to arrive earlier and climb longer!